Day Total: $10.00
Sales Visited: 28

2 Genesis model 2 Systems (1 missing plastic expansion cover, assorted hookups)
5 1st-party 3-button controllers
3 3rd-party 6-button controllers
1 broken Virtual Boy eyepiece
1 Home Alone 2 (NES, cart only)
1 Kung-fu Heroes (NES, cart + sleave)
1 Lethal Enforcers (Gen, cart only)
1 Echo The Dolphin (Gen, cart only)
1 Jammit (Gen, cart only)
1 Lion King (Gen, cart only)
1 Clue (Gen, cart only)
1 Beavis and Butthead (Gen, cart only)
1 After Burner II (Gen, cart only)
1 Sonic 2 (Gen, cart only)
1 Menacer 6-games-in-one (Gen, cart only)
1 Wayne Gretsky and the NHLPA All-Stars (Gen, cart only)
1 Bubsy (Gen, cart only)
1 WWF Royal Rumble (Gen, cart only)
1 NHL 95 (Gen, cart only)
1 WWF Super Wrestlemania (Gen, cart only)
1 NBA Jam TE (Gen, cart only)
1 Caesar's Palace (Gen, cart only)
1 Blaster Master 2 (Gen, cart only)
1 Batman Forever (Gen, cart only)
1 Pebble Beach Golf Links (Gen, cart only)
1 NHL All-Star 95 (Gen, cart only)
1 Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Gen, cart only)
1 Wheel of Fortune (Gen, cart only)
1 F-22 Interceptor (Gen, cart only)
1 NBA Jam (Gen, cart only)
1 Pit Fighter (Gen, cart only)
1 Winter Challenge (Gen, cart only)
1 Ms. Pac-man (Gen, cart only)
Paid: $3.00

1 Broken Xbox (all hookups, Launch Thompson drive)
2 Duke controllers (1 missing break-away connector)
1 DVD Remote + sensor
Paid: $3.00

1 Sword of Truth: Blood of the Fold (#3)
1 Sword of Truth: Temple of the Winds (#4, hardcover)
1 Sword of Truth: Soul of the Fire (#5)
1 Sword of Truth: Faith of the Fallen (#6)
1 Sword of Truth: The Pillars of Creation (#7)
1 Sword of Truth: Naked Empire (#8, hardcover, no dust jacket)
Paid: $3.00

1 PGA Tour Golf (GameGear, cart + case)
1 World Series Baseball (GameGear, cart + case)
1 Space Invaders (Gameboy, cart only)
Paid: $1.00
That sale that I posted yesterday ended up being run by this white trash family with a pink house. The videogames consisted of a Namco TV-plug-n-play game for $7, Killswitch XB disc only for $6, and a dirty N64 for $15. This started the day with a pretty sour note, and after last week I was almost certain that today would be another crappy day. Not the best of mornings.
Got the 3 portable games at a church sale.
Got the Gen lot from a really apathetic jock-looking 20-something year old guy. His mom had to call him over to the table when I waved for somebody, and he slowly walked over. "How much are you asking for this?" I asked. "Meh. I dunno, heh, just take it." I looked at him, "What really?" "Heh I don't really care man. Like...a buck for the systems...25 cents a game." I offered him $3 for everything and he took it without question. We saw the VB eyepiece and 2 NES games after we bought the Gen stuff, and asked if we could have those too. "Sure man, just take em." Wish most sales were like this.
Liz is currently reading the Book 2 of The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, and had been looking for the rest of his books all summer. Today was the first day we saw anyone with Goodkind books for sale. The guy had the whole series, but since she already had the first two, she picked up the remainder of the series. He also had Robert Jordon's Wheel of Time series, several other fantasy novels, and tons of Star Wars novels. She was thrilled to see all the sci-fi/fantasy books: a change of pace from the usual romance novels and Michael Crichton books we always see.
Saw the Xbox at one of the last sales we went to. The lady working it immediately said that "it was my son's, but it doesn't work anymore. Well, it still plays DVDs, but the games don't work." She wanted $5, but took $3 without hesitation. I looked and it has a Thompson, and from the 2 Duke's I would assume it's a launch box. I already have an Xbox, so I can have some fun with this one. I'm thinking of modding it (aesthetically), or at least just replacing the drive. I wanted some dukes in my collection, so that's nice too.
Most of the games are covered in rental stickers, and everything we bought (minus the books) is absolutely filthy. It'll take some work but I'll get everything looking nice.
So yeah, what started out as a gloomy day with low potential ended up being a pretty good!
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