Day Total: $29.75
Sales Visited: 22

Dreamcast Retail Kiosk
Paid: $20

1 Intellivision II system (with hookups)
1 Bowling (Box, cart, manual, 2 overlays)
1 Soccer (Box, cart, 2 overlays)
1 Horse Racing (Box, cart, manual, 2 overlays)
1 BurgerTime (Box, cart, 2 overlays)
1 Space Armada (Box, cart, manual, 2 overlays)
1 Armor Battle (Box, manual, 2 overlays)
1 Poker and Black Jack (Box, cart, 2 overlays)
1 Hockey (Box, cart, 2 overlays)
1 Word Fun (Box, cart, manual, 2 overlays)
1 Math Fun (Box, cart, manual, 1 overlay)
1 Boxing (Box)
1 Checkers (Cart)
1 Astrosmash (Box, cart)
1 Astrosmash (Box, cart, manual, 2 overlays)
1 IntelliVoice (Box, IntelliVoice unit, manual, game catalog, registration)
Paid: $7

1 Bucket Assorted Legos
Paid: $2

Pokemon Yellow (GB)
Dreamcast Codes Book
Paid: $0.50

Charizard plushie
Paid: $0.25

Power-Joy Famiclone (w/ 2nd contr.)
Paid: FREE
Today was our best day, no question. We found something today that you would never even Dream of finding. But, its almost 100 degrees here, so we're taking a swim. After we're done we'll take pictures and post.
Do not miss this update! Tell your friends!
...Coming in a couple hours...
What a day!
All the good stuff we got today was from unadvertised sales (not listed in the paper, but found through signs on the street).
The DC Retail Kiosk was next to a slot machine, a pool table, a drum set, and stereo speakers. She was asking $25, but she took $20 (very nice woman, she said "$25" in more of a question than a firm answer). She told me that she got it from her job at a Daycare (lucky kids!). This was at about 8:30, and it wouldn't fit in the car we had, so we would be back at noon. When we went back with my mom's convertable it was just as we left it, but she told us that she had MANY people asking about it!
The Intellivision stuff was all in a box, and this nice old couple was asking $10. I offered $5, and they took $7. They also told us that somebody had offered them $20 for it, but they didn't have the money on them and they'd be back. I'd imagine it being a bitter pill when they got back there, but you should ALWAYS have enough money to pay for the stuff when you get there. I'm sure other people offered the Dreamcast lady more money for it, but since I had already paid, there was nothing she could do (unless she wanted to be a sleaze about it).
So there it is! If you haven't been going out yet, this should be a reason for why you should be trying.
1 comment:
$20 for a DC kiosk...holy shit. That is incredible.
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