Day Total: $15.75
Sales Visited: 40

1 Nintendo 64 (Boxed complete)
1 LoZ: Majora's Mask (N64, complete)
1 LoZ: Majora's Mask Strategy Guide
1 Sol-Feace (SCD, disc+case)
Paid: $5.00

1 N64 console (w/ power adapter and A/V cable)
3 N64 controllers
1 Microsoft PC controller
1 3rd party Rumble Pak
1 Tony Hawk Pro Skater (N64, complete)
1 1080 Snowboarding (N64, complete)
1 Star Wars: Episode I Racer (N64, cart only)
1 Banjo-Kazooie (N64, cart only)
1 Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (N64, cart only)
Paid: $3.00

OXM XBox Demo Discs (#1-49, missing 17, 34-38, 40, 45, 46) -free
Assorted Movies/Demos -free
1 Orgazmo (VHS) -free
1 Legend of Dragoon promo (VHS)
Paid: $0.50

1 Final Fantasy VIII (PS1, GH, sealed)
Dragon Ball manga (Vols. 1-6)
Paid: $2.00

22 Assorted fantasy novels (Lackey, Furey, Elliot, Brooks, others)
Paid: $2.00

1 The Thing (PS2, complete)
Paid: $1.00

1 Game Boy Color (Pokemon edition)
1 Game Boy Color (Yellow)
1 GBC connector cable
1 Super Mario Deluxe (GBC, cart only)
1 SpongeBob SquarePants: Legend of the Lost Spatula (GBC, cart only)
Paid: $1.25

1 Sliders Seasons 1+2 (DVD)
Paid: $2.00
Our first outing in our new neighborhood was a town-wide sale, and the day did not disappoint!
The first N64 bundle was our first find of the day. They were asking $15, but we talked them down to $5. We didn't have a boxed Majora's Mask, so it was a nice pick-up. They also had dog who kept bringing a stick over in his mouth, wanting us to play fetch with him. He was so cute!
Everything else we picked up required little haggling, as everything was already priced low - a big change from what we're used to. People seemed friendlier, too. We're hoping that's a good sign for the future.
We got the XBox demos at a sale that had everything on a flatbed truck. The Legend of Dragoon promo was 50 cents, but everything else was found in a big box marked "FREE". We scooped up all the demos and some miscellaneous movies.
We attempted to CIF $1 for the Dragon Ball manga and FF8. The girl said she wanted $1 for FF8, and $3 for the manga. We were surprised she was only asking $1 for the sealed FF8. We expected at least $10. Anyway, we countered with $2 for everything and she accepted.
Fantasy novels are rarely found on our adventures; it's usually the same Crichton, Grishman, and King books at every sale. One particular sale had a few boxes of assorted books, and a good amount of fantasy. Asking prices were also good: 25 cents per book, 5/$1. We started to pick a few out, then decided why not buy the whole box. We CIF'd $2 to the seller, who thought about it for a few moments, and then said "sure". It was really fun to buy a whole box of books!
At one sale there was a young guy (20-something) squatting down looking through CDs. He must've been wearing loose pants and no underwear: he was showing half his ass down the driveway! Not something anyone would want to find at a yardsale.
It was an all-around fun day, and people were in good spirits and easy-going when it came to bargaining. We hit a surprisingly high number of sales, and got to the know the area a lot better. We're really excited for this season!
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