Day Total: $26.00
Sales Visited: 57

1 Genesis model 1 (with AC adapter, no A/V)
1 official 3 button controller
2 Sonic The Hedgehog *Not For Resale* (Gen, cart only)
1 Sonic The Hedgehog 2 *Not For Resale* (Gen, cart only)
1 Sonic The Hedgehog 3 *Not For Resale* (Gen, cart only)
1 Sonic Spinball (Gen, cart only)
1 Sonic and Knuckles (Gen, cart only, top cover missing)
1 TMNT: Hyperstone Heist (Gen, cart only)
1 TMNT: Tournament Fighters (Gen, cart only)
1 Dinosaurs for Hire (Gen, cart only)
1 Raiden Trad (Gen, cart only)
1 Power Rangers: The Movie (Gen, cart only)
1 Vectorman (Gen, cart only)
Paid: $2.00

1.5 lbs of Legos
Paid: $1.00

1 SNES Mario Set (Complete with inserts, BRAND NEW condition)
1 Tetris/Dr. Mario (SNES, Complete with inserts)
1 Tetris 2 (SNES, Complete with inserts)
Paid: $5.00

Scotland Yard game
Paid: FREE

DBZ: The Saiyin Conflict VHS boxset
Paid: $3.00

Breath of Fire Box + Manual
Paid: FREE

4 Sly Cooper 3 promotional figures
Paid: FREE

Lego Designer Set 4100
Paid: $1.00

1 Final Fantasy III (SNES, cart + sleeve)
1 The 7th Saga (SNES, cart + sleeve)
1 Lufia and The Fortress of Doom (SNES, cart only)
1 Breath of Fire (SNES, cart + sleeve)
1 Out of This World (SNES, cart only)
1 SMW2: Yoshi's Island (SNES, cart only)
Paid: $18.00
Got the Sly Cooper figures from Craigslist. All four are already spoken for, sorry guys!
We hit 56 sales today. It's on.
The last two finds listed were pre-aranged Craigslist finds. The SNES RPGs work out to $3, which isn't bad at all given their ebay value. It still gives me heartburn knowing that I paid $18 for 6 cart only games. But that's just me being me. I know that paying less than $18 for ~$100 worth of games is nice. But still, paying the $18 hurt a little. When we went to pick up the SNES games, the guy wasn't home. We almost didn't even get them, and we had to convince his old father that we were supposed to pick them up at the scheduled time. Random to get a free BOF box+manual from a completely different listing too. Nice to have a complete BOF.
Other than those two CL pickups, all of our other finds were purchased before 9:30AM (we started at 7:30), and we didn't head home until 1. We saw other stuff after we made our purchases, but it was all overpriced.
The SNES is in brand spankin' new condition. Very nice. We got it from a nice young couple after asking if they had any videogames. It turns out that the husband had just dug it out of the closet that day, and was debating on selling it. He decided not to put it out, but had no problem selling it to us when we asked. I was shocked when he took our $5 offer.
We went to a huge town-sponsored sale in the town center, which is where we got the DBZ set and the lego set. It's funny, because we'll probably never watch the videos, but they make a really nice display piece.
We hit a yardsale held by a bunch of catty moms. The signs they used to lead people to the sale were tiny pink arrows that you could barely see while driving. They had a Gen1 with Barney Hide and Seek, asking $10. I just nodded my head when she told me the price, and began to walk away when she yelled "I'll take $5!" I later offered $2 and was rebuffed. They also had an N64 for $20. Ridiculous. When I asked one of the women "What are you asking for the Nintendo", she looked confused and asked me what I was talking about. I pointed and said "Nintendo" again. She then yells to her friend "HEY! HOW MUCH ARE YOU ASKING FOR THE INTENDO!" It's like, you don't have to know videogame specifics, but where have you been for the last 20 years!? You've never heard of "Nintendo" ?!
It seems that every time I see a Gamegear, the person wants at least $20 for it. Such was the case today. We've seen at least 5 of them since we started YSing last year, and every single one has been overpriced. Ah well.
Saw an old Tiger Electronic LCD football game marked 2 cents at a Church sale. We passed.
Already looking forward to next week!
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